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Monday, September 01, 2008

"Sano Sansaar" to be screened in aid of Janabahaa Society

Upcoming Nepali feature film Sano Sansar will be screened at Jai Nepal cinema at 5:15 pm on September 15, Monday to help raise funds for Janabahaa Society. Thanks to Mahendra Man Sakya of Tej Bhawan, Lazimpat for coming forward with this idea and for subsidizing the cost of the tickets. Please email or call Jai Rajbhandari (98510-54113) if you wish to purchase tickets to this special screening of the film. The lead actor and actress will be present during the screening. Here is a synpopsis of the film:

Ravi is an average guy who has just graduated from college. Like most average guys, he doesn't know what he wants in life. Reetu is a not so average girl knows what she doesn't want. Suraj is a sureheaded fellow who knows exactly what he wants in life. Manoj Sizapati (aka Siza) wants what every guy wants ;) ;)

Little do they know that they are living in a Sano Sansar where everyone knows everyone even if they think they do not know them...

Manuscripts (and More?)

A few years ago, one of the more conscious priests during his tenure as caretaker (dyo pala) discovered several ancient handwritten manuscripts written in Ranjana script within the inner confines of Janabahaa Dyo temple, and had it professionally digitized and analyzed at a local archive, thus saving it permanently for the benefit of posterity. Most of the manuscripts he had found had been partially damaged by fire, insects or rats. As his tenure at the temple came to an end after a month, he was left wondering what else was stored in the temple that could give invaluable information relating to our past. Right now, as the present renovation works are in progress, many are asking whether we will find any more of those lost documents or other valuable relics. This would definitely be the best opportunity to explore, for a long time to come.