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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chariot procession of Janabahaa Dyo

We all know that all the chariot procession of Janabahaa Dyo takes place once a year as per Newaa culture. The procession goes around town during April in a magnificent way, awakening a sense of profound religious devotion and heightened cultural awareness among all those who witness this major festival. If we miss out it, we need to wait one whole year to witness it again. What if we are not in Nepal during the chariot pulling festionval -- do we have any choice ? Yes , now we definitely have .

Now you have the opportunity to see the Janabahaa deity chariot procession held in an amazingly lively manner on video. Just click on the play button below and visualize the breathtaking scenes. Video by truthasu (courtesy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

keep working kali, you will be a great person