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Tuesday, October 05, 2010

It's Gigapixels Now, No More Megapixels!

One of the topics covered in the photography workshop organized recently by the Janabahaa Society is this: Take some photos in Janabahaa with any mega-pixel camera. Or shoot with your mobile phone camera, or even with your old-school film camera. Then create extremely high-resolution (hundreds of giga-pixel per photo) with your shoot, and share it with the entire world instantaneously. Here is an example: You need the Adobe Flash player installed, and JavaScript enabled to use this viewer.

Photo by Alok Tuladhar.

Vote for... compassion

Being the only large space in the locality that is easy to secure, Janabahaa has been used by the government as a polling station for numerous elections in the past. Yet another contribution that Janabahaa makes to society.

The Election Commission is currently sending out teams all over the country to collect data on eligible voters. One such team arrived in Janabahaa on Monday. Many residents of Janabahaa enlisted themselves by providing the required information to the data collection team, ensuring that their voter's ID will be issued by the government in due course.

Photos by Alok Tuladhar.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Janabahaa to Go On Air

Getting some close-up footage of the gilded copper repousse work on the Torana on the eastern facade of the temple.
Bodhi Television (All Tradition Buddhist TV Channel) is in the process of producing a short documentary about Janabahaa, with assistance from the Janabahaa Society.

Nabin Shakya of the caretaker priest clan talks about the various festivals related to Janabahaa.
The documentary will be aired on Nepal Television 2 soon. Do check out this blog periodically for an update on when the documentary will be aired.

Photos by Alok Tuladhar.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Danke, Herr Nunnemann!

This is Friedlelm Nunnemann’s eighth visit to Nepal. He comes here every two years from Germany to trek the Himalayas, and in the course of his travels to Nepal, he has developed a deep interest in the unique heritage of Nepal. Sixty-eight year old Friedhelm (which means "peace helmet") is a retired exhaust emission and quality management expert who has worked for Mercedes and for the Environment Protection Agency of the United States government.

Friedhelm discovered an important document in November last year about a research carried by a Japanese university team about Janabahaa, and shared it with us. Details about that find are posted in this blog here.

Herr Nunnemann hanging out at Janabahaa.
Herr Nunnemann enjoys a cup of Nepali milk-and-sugar tea.

Herr Nunnemann gets introduced to Babu of the canine security corps of Janabahaa.

Friedhelm visited us at Janabahaa earlier this week and spent some time discussing the many architectural and artistic treasures of Janabahaa, and how his passion for Nepal’s heritage can be converted into something useful for a global audience who share his passion. He also made a generous cash donation to support the ongoing activities of the Janabahaa Society.

In honor of his continued interest and support to Janabahaa, we have decided to dedicate one of the flower pots that are being placed around the Janabahaa courtyard in his name.

Mit tiefer Dankbarkeit, unseren deutschen Freund! With deep gratitude, our German friend!

Photos by Alok Tuladhar.